I have always loved photography and would find myself wondering around the villa or local beaches on holiday fascinated by shadows or the sun sparkling on the sea. It’s my way to relax. I created a studio in east London and started to produce shoots to capture dramatic scenes that told a story. Then I had my first son. We moved west and the equipment went away. Very quickly my phone and camera were full of hundreds of photos of my baby and my husband, but very few of me with my son, and the ones I had were not great (thanks hubby). I started to offer relaxed photoshoots (with a cuppa) to my friends with babies. Out came the equipment and I initially only focused on mother and child. It made me happy, and I know many of the mothers I have photographed were delighted to have these beautiful moments captured. Motherhood amazes me. I LOVE pregnancy and being the mother of now two boys. It’s a part of my life I want to always reflect on. As Women, and parents, we are gifted to nurture and guide the next generation into being good, kind humans. Its a leading role worth remembering.

My husband now books time in to take nice photos of me, we get there!